Five hundred years after the events of the previous episode, at the end of which the protagonist falls into a long sleep, the world is drowning in a sea of chaos, and in the next thirteen days, nothing will remain. Although the fate of this planet is doomed, there is still hope for those who call it home. In the role of savior, Lightning wakes up from that deep sleep and fights against the enemies once again in the Cocoon world against the Sanctum government. He is a character who, with the help of his talents and powers, frees humanity from slavery for the Bhunivelze and leads them to a new world. While searching for his sister Lumina, he also encounters former allies and opponents during his travels and missions, many of whom bear an emotional burden. Fortunately, with incredible power and a variety of new weapons, he prepares everything for the next war, anything but time. Now he has to choose an impossible option.